Hello friends
In this post, 210 articles about Lady Fatimah have been collected
Hope it is useful
Hello friends
In this post, 210 articles about Lady Fatimah have been collected
Hope it is useful
Hello friends
In this post, 700 articles about Islam and Shia have been collected
Hope it is useful
Hi friends
Nahj al-Balaghah is a selection of the sayings, letters and wise writings of the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) that Seyyed Razi collected in the late fourth century AH. Due to its rich content and rhetoric, this book has been named "Akh al-Quran" (Brother of the Quran).
“Solomon’s” name is mentioned in The Quran and Bible. The Quran introduces Solomon as a good servant and one of the prophets who have been given knowledge and wisdom.
The word “wisdom” has been repeated 20 times in The Quran and it referes to Luqman, David, instructions of Prophet Muhammad and The Quran. The The Quran considers knowledge as the basis of Solomon’s government and mentions it as the foundation of evolution and change inhumane society. And talks about Solomon’s extraordinary power and excludes the scope of his country which was spreaded all over the world. However, the Israelites know Solomon as one of their kings....
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Respected Reader,
'assalamu alaykum,
The editor of this work is pleased to announce the release of the "Shia Encyclopedia", which forms itself as the collection of articles that emanated from an intra-faith dialogue, ranging from exploring commonalities, differences and a train of thought specific to the Shia (also known as the school of the Ahlul Bayt).
We are pleased to release a collection of information which addresses inter-school related issues between the school of Ahlul Bayt and the Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'ah. This encyclopedia which covers the most important lines of thought of the Ahlul Bayt, is the contribution of various individuals.